John Carmack – Bevorzugt die Xbox 360

Bodenständig erklärt John Carmack, Macher von Spielen wie Doom oder Quake, den amerikanischen Kollegen von, warum er die Xbox 360 der Playstation 3 vorzieht. Ein Hauptgrund für ihn ist, wie für viele andere Entwickler scheinbar auch, dass Sony tatsächlich schlechtere Entwicklertools als Microsoft anbietet und Entwicklern laut Carmack die Arbeit an Spielen so unnötig erschwert. Hier ein Ausschnitt:

„But the honest truth is that Microsoft dev tools are so much better than Sony’s. We expect to keep in mind the issues of bringing this up on the PlayStation 3… they’re not helpful to the developers… I suspect they’re not going to overwhelmingly crush the marketplace this time, which wasn’t clear a year ago. A lot of people were thinking it’s going to be a rerun of the last generation, and it’s now looking like it might not be. I’ve been pulling for Microsoft, because I think they’ve done a better job for development support, and I think they have made somewhat smarter decisions on the platform. It’s not like the PlayStation 3 is a piece of junk or anything. I was not a fan of the PlayStation 2 and the way its architecture was set up. With the PlayStation 3, it’s not even that it’s ugly–they just took a design decision that wasn’t the best from a development standpoint.“

Cool? Dann erzähl doch anderen davon! Danke! :)